Thursday, January 31, 2008

China Photos

EAster Sunday Wade and I were in Hangzhou, China. We went to a protestant international church for the Sunday holy day service. Afterwards we walked around West Lake in Hangzhou, a really beautiful place to spend a holiday.

Wade being watched by some chinese military officers.

A photo of WAde in our apartment in Hangzhou, China

My computer, the punching bag, and a beer bottle in my apartment in Hangzhou, China.

Wade in the midst of bottle water in Hangzhou, China. We would usually go through two gallons of bottled water a day, and getting rid of the plastic bottles was a little difficult. They would usually just pile up next to the door. The people who lived below us really like to take our bottles. I think they recycled them, and were always really happy to see us taking out our mound of bottles to the trash.

A fellow Friendsworld student in Hangzhou, China. She blended well with the Chinese, but is actually philipino.

Wade and I sitting in Church on Easter Sunday, Hangzhou, China.

This is me standing in front of the International Christian church in Hangzhou, China. The preacher of the sermon was a black woman, which I found to be very hip.

Chinese people do not go to church on Easter Sunday because the majority are not christian. Chinese people are not allowed to attend the International Christian church because of political repression of religion. Instead, Chinese people were spending the holidays buying balloons and walking around the streets.

These are chinese arts and crafts for sale to tourists around West Lake.

Here is a photo of beautiful West Lake, called Xi Hu in Mandarin Chinese, of Hangzhou China